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A Poem by Gazi Abdulla-hel Baqui # Agonies of Civilization

Soul is stormed violently,
Raising head the civilization broods,
Suddenly groans being hurt by torrents of bullets,
The cunning eyes of a raider Hyena—
The maddening sights of the two horizons—
The foothold of a savage civilization!
With loathsome tongue dries up the delightful energy of life
The ferocity of nails of a weapon-Eagle tears away
the colourful petals of a civilization.
The warm rose of Mother is reduced to a dejected skeleton,
The essence in the bowels of the earth emits stench
In the gluttonous lava of the volcano,
The roots of an old mountain spread from the imperialist to the point range.

Thus ancient humanity, twisted in the satanic dissection,
From the terrible staring look of the warlords
Unheard drops of tears of civilization are dripping;
Their venomous eyes are diseased to enjoy beauty,
Rather see the heaps of skulls in ruins unleashed by cannons.
They inhale the filthy breath of benumbed bliss
in the dark smell of smoke,

What a lurid account of the twenty first century!
In the fields of historic peaceful human domain
A second one-eyed monster is busy hurling insane attacks
The merry drawing room of a civilization turned into
a colossal wreck,
A pair-thousand pairs-millions, wallowed in inhuman discomfort,
Uncultured souls without conscience, and in a thrilling disorder
UNO is perplexed forever, sobbing.

Man is foe to man
Knowledge is foe to knowledge
Civilization is foe to civilization.

What a man, what knowledge, what a civilization
Is creating the boundless rows of funeral habitation!
Rotten brain is powerful over loving heart,
The world is stung, the humanity wounded,
In the hypocritical civilization begotten by the severed
knowledge of the weapons
The agonies of the true civilization are being resounded through
the sky and air with ancient patches of dark clouds.

Where is the uncontrolled power of the truth?
Where is the turn for the silent tide of peace?
Where are the hearts full of conscience?
Come and see the humanity, mangled tremendously,
The long blood-stained appearance of artistic cultures severely

In the fury of the Old accused, is being torn asunder
the innocent procession of smile—the crown of civilization.
The imperiled Human Rights are panting with withered faces
Indeed, the civilization stands mute with a bag of torn
conscience in hand.
Do you know—?
Seeing this ruin of civilization how cuckoos will sing,
Watching this ruin of Spring, Nature turning pale will never
distribute graces,
Noticing the mangled beauty all Atlases will tremble violently,
At this devastation the meek animals are confused, panicky.

Observing this fall of smile the pregnant mothers will ruefully
disagree to deliver,
But the undaunted poets will draw the horrific images
of the belligerent,
Souls of poets and souls of warlords will never meet!
I believe—
The imagination of the schizophrenic will never be materialized.

Where is the unfailing destroying gale?
Where is the devoted blessing of the world conscience?
Where is the holy prayer of the innocent hearts?
Where is the unknown strong seizing of nature?
Where are the peaceful large troops of the doorless Atlases?
Where is the crusading revolution of the faithful souls?
Get up erect—stand by the oppressed humanity,
Destroy forever the alarming signs of the invading arms.
Be surprised the stealer of tolerance, the killer of honour,
the contagious foes of the great civilization,
Be dumb the disgraced cowards of the dark history.

So I am thinking—
When will the agonies of civilization cease to stop?
But I have learnt—
Poets are hearing the echoes of freedom of love in the songs of peace.

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