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Three Poems on Peace

Gazi Abdulla-hel Baqui

Bombs, Not Bread!

Despite chorus of protests and requests
The belligerent are engaged in tests,
Their brain, mind and fingers do the opposite,
They are snoring in sleep without their knowledge,
Which they think is undisturbed to the world.

Does jubilation spread across the sky
When neutral words echo for peace?
Man is dissecting the globe for happiness,
Every moment he treats the patients,
A psychic disorder of producing bombs, not bread.

How can destruction stand for construction?
How can a nuclear assurance be offered?
How can a bomb beget bread?
To the saner part an ironical impossibility
That on the stain of the moon her beauty reflects.

Peace or War

Our world is a meritorious planet
Replete with knowledge hidden and revealed
Graceful manners and ugliness or beauty,
It engenders out of a drip of unholy fluid.
An uncertainty penetrates into the insight—
Worried and lost, submitted and caught,
Some stern faces have eyes looking blurred.
Life is a green leaf full of thorns
A person is the embodiment of peace or war.

A green growth grows to its pale grayness
The same right fortune a man invites
Embracing a left creation to multiply,
Out of a spot on the moon,
Out of a dancing gorge of a youthful stream,
Is it an unheroic couplet intruding an epic creation?
A woman conceives, body knows.
What she will give birth to, peace or war.

Super Power
Power is world’s breath, man’s realization,
The sudden gift of soul, the moment’s inundation,
The super power supersedes all mighty forces,
On a stable summit sparkles the crown’s coronation.

Power issues forth from ample talks and the opulent,
It feels puffed up when armament is war’s ornament,
Power is born out of industry, chair and position,
How is super power the concern of the belligerent?

Power is out loud from riches and all benefit,
It emerges out of invincible knowledge and merit,
Creation and civilization are their sole region,
It is no super power the lights of mind emit?

Power is a momentous triumph love begets,
Emotion and attachments sincerely it meets,
How the world of adoration worships it!
Wherefrom does it flash? –the sun never sets.

Power is possessed by super-human personalities
Who prove themselves spiritually superior by activities,
All worldly affairs appear to their profundities as playthings,
More concerned they are with Spirits than physical oddities.

Power is the summed-up authority of the human,
Our thought is torn to pieces in order scan,
Is it that natural ability to ensure peace?
Or the Omnipresent’s, The Omnicient’s, The Omnipotent’s plan?

Gazi Abdulla-hel Baqui is a poet, writer, researcher and internationally awarded for composing poems on `Peace’.


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